rosary online

March 8, 2010

praying the rosary

Filed under: Uncategorized — by rosaryonline @ 4:13 am

Why praying the rosary? me.., it has been a privilege and a blessing in life to pray the rosary as we respect the mother of Jesus, our saviour. She is our mother of love and hope. Praying the rosary, has been a strength for me, to face the complicated life, the burdens we carry, where a lot of times we shut our hearts, just focus on our worldly noises, and forget how to find the peace of hearts. Our blessed Mother Mary, will never neglect us, in any situations, she will hear our prayers and with no judgment will pray to our Lord to have mercy on us, to bless us abundantly.

It’s never late to start praying, for God will patiently wait for us to share the time speaking to Him.. in prayer. Pray in our quiet moment, or with our family, in a small group, or at church. We lift up our hopes to our Lord through our loving Mother Mary, and we sure will find peace in our life.

“Would you like me to tell you a ‘secret’? It is simple, and after all, is no secret: ‘Pray, pray much. Say the Rosary everyday.”- Pope John Paul II

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